Friday, April 30, 2010

Diary of a single kinkster: The Podcast

I did it. I recorded my first podcast, edited the hell out of it and got it posted up.

Podcasting a little more difficult than I imagined, but easier than I feared. Mostly I wrote out something of a script that I could follow along and then I listened to the play back, attempted to weed out all the small verbal mistakes I made and then made some music to go with it.

I've made some progress today. I've found my exercise program that I shall begin using on a regular schedule starting monday. The hope is to get up early enough in the morning and do the exercises before I go to work. More than likely at night after I get home. I know I'm out of shape cardiovascularly speaking, but my strength is still up there. I just need to work on the stamina and the core.

So I shall be doing the entire program to get into the shape I want to be in to have the kind of sex I want to have.

If I get a partner that is interested in exercising with me, all the better.

I would like to find a second host for the podcast. Have a conversation about dating and relationships instead of me just talking about it.

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